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Organize tasks. Plan your day.
Time management. All in OneTick.

Smart Categories

Automatically categorize and group similar tasks together.

Smart Categories

Automatically categorize and group similar tasks together.

Unlimited Customization

Color-coded for prioritization of a task.
Add details of a task. Never miss an event.
Search, sort and hide completed tasks instantly.

Plan ahead

Lyssa Ceres - Manager at Cisco


@OneTick is like having a personal assistant in my pocket. It’s intuitive, powerful, and keeps my life in sync. Whether I’m managing projects or planning errands, @OneTick ticks all the boxes for efficiency and collaboration.

Plan ahead
Never be late

Lando Stefek - Entrepreneur


With @OneTick, I’m always ahead of the game. Before using the app, I often procrastinate and miss a lot of crucial meetings, deadlines, etc. After trying the app, I am finally able to meet my deadlines with time to spare, thanks to the constant reminders! No more missed opportunities definitely!

Plan ahead
Never be late

UX meets

Abeba Lelise - Product Manager


@OneTick's user experience is just on point! Whenever I have something in my mind, I jot it down instantly with the app. Just love the sorting features and AI simplification of tasks.